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Rhenus becomes a partner of AUSTRIAN LOGISTICS

The port operator, Rhenus Donauhafen Krems, and the freight forwarding company, Rhenus Logistics Austria, have both been brand partners of AUSTRIAN LOGISTICS since 9 May. The umbrella brand in the Austrian logistics sector combines brand holders that clearly provide high levels of logistical quality. AUSTRIAN LOGISTICS is managed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology.

Friday, 28 June 2019

“As partners of AUSTRIAN LOGISTICS, we’re able to network with other brand holders, promote an exchange of knowledge in the sector and strengthen the awareness of logistics in Austria both within the country and internationally,” says Gerhard Gussmagg, Managing Director of Rhenus Donauhafen Krems, giving the reasons for the bid to join AUSTRIAN LOGISTICS.

“Offering forward-looking initial and further training schemes for our employees and attractive career profiles in our sector is extremely important for us within the Rhenus Group in Austria as partners of AUSTRIAN LOGISTICS.” Thomas Doblinger, Managing Director of Rhenus Logistics Austria, adds.

The AUSTRIAN LOGISTICS umbrella brand was launched by the Austrian   Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, the Central Freight Forwarding & Logistics Association, the Federation of Austrian Industries, the Austrian Federal Economic Chambers, the Logistics Network Association and the Federal Logistics Association for Austria in 2018. Its goal is to raise the awareness of the logistics services provided by Austrian companies within the country and abroad and create links between the partners involved.

Rhenus Donauhafen Krems operates a significant trimodal logistics hub in Austria. The port covers a total area measuring 48 hectares, has 8 logistics warehouses providing more than 30,000 square metres of storage space, 2 raw material warehouses with the capacity for 18,000 cubic metres of goods and a silo capable of storing 24,000 cubic metres. A new lightweight structure with an integrated tentonne indoor crane has also been available to handle goods since April 2019, whatever the weather is like outside. Rhenus Logistics Austria provides a wide range of freight forwarding services from its business sites in Krems and Vienna. They include stowage planning for containers, packaging heavy parts and delivering goods to their point of use.


Photo: The Rhenus Donauhafen Krems. Picture source: RWA / Robert Gebauer.

Über Rhenus
Die Rhenus-Gruppe ist ein weltweit operierender Logistikdienstleister mit einem Jahresumsatz von 4,8 Mrd. EUR. Mit 29.000 Beschäftigten ist Rhenus an 610 Standorten präsent. Die Geschäftsbereiche Contract Logistics, Freight Logistics und Port Logistics stehen für das Management komplexer Supply Chains und für innovative Mehrwertdienste.

Pressekontakt Rhenus-Gruppe
Medienbüro am Reichstag GmbH
Reinhardtstraße 55
10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 30 87 29 93
Fax: +49 30 30 87 29 95
E-Mail: rhenus@mar-berlin.de


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