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    Contract Logistics

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    Port Logistics

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Rhenus Home Delivery acquires Dutch freight forwarder Jos Dusseldorp Transport

Rhenus Home Delivery, the specialist for delivering goods to final customers, signed the purchase agreement to acquire the Jos Dusseldorp Transport company on 14 June 2018; the latter has its headquarters in Lichtenvoorde. The deal was closed on 29 June 2018. The family-managed freight forwarding company, Jos Dusseldorf, which has more than 90 employees and a fleet of about 70 vehicles, makes available delivery services for furniture or sensitive and bulky goods to specialist dealers and final customers. The company also provides value-added services.


Rhenus Home Delivery and Jos Dusseldorp have already been working together as network partners in the B2B and B2C business for five years. The core market for Jos Dusseldorp is located in the Netherlands, but it also makes deliveries to Belgium and Luxembourg. On average, about 1,200 consignments are dispatched from the central distribution warehouse in Lichtenvoorde every day. The company not only delivers items, but provides other services too, including assembly work, removals, warehousing and the disposal of old furniture. 
“Through this acquisition, we’d like to continue creating a good position for Rhenus Home Delivery in Western Europe in order to meet the needs of our customers and their international operations in the long term. The Netherlands is an important market for us between Great Britain and Germany and we already have a strong presence there,” says Nicolas Rottmann, Managing Director of Rhenus Home Delivery, giving the reasons for the acquisition. 
Eddy Dusseldorp, Co-Owner and Managing Director of Jos Dusseldorp Transport, adds, “It’s very important for us to ensure our company’s future viability. Rhenus has both the necessary expertise and the strength and the network to be able to hold its ground in this competitive environment in the long term. The takeover is an important development springboard for Jos Dusseldorp and it will benefit our customers and employees to the same degree. Thanks to our many years of cooperation, we also know that our corporate culture, our values and our activities dovetail seamlessly.”

Jos Dusseldorp Transport was founded in 1954. The headquarters of the Dutch company are just 20 kilometres from the German border. Distribution services are organised at the Lichtenvoorde site and it also has four warehouses with space measuring 17,600 square metres in all. Both the current managers and the name Jos Dusseldorp Transport will be retained for the time being after the takeover. 
About Rhenus
The Rhenus Group is a logistics services provider with global business operations and annual turnover of EUR 4.8 billion. Rhenus has business sites at 610 locations worldwide and employs 29,000 people. The Rhenus business areas – Contract Logistics, Freight Logistics and Port Logistics – manage complex supply chains and provide a wealth of innovative value-added services.
Press contact details for the Rhenus Group
Medienbüro am Reichstag GmbH
Reinhardtstrasse 55
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 30 87 29 93
Fax: +49 30 30 87 29 95
Email: rhenus@mar-berlin.de

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Tel: +43 2732 73571-0
Fax: +43 2732 72557
E-Mail: donauhafen@at.rhenus.com