Here you can select our various locations around Rhenus. You can choose between countries, the corresponding locations, business areas, as well as locations in your surrounding area.
In the sensitive medical technology market, Rhenus Midi Data takes over the planning tasks as well as transport management and is at the same time your technology partner when it comes to extensive placement activities with special know-how in dental technology and optical devices. We manage the area-wide delivery of diagnostic equipment as well as installation in practices and hospitals. Included here are workbenches, refrigerators, and laboratory and diagnostic equipment. The partners are true professionals when it comes to large devices such as CT scanners, X-ray equipment and MRIs. They manage the transport and placement of these devices on an almost daily basis, even worldwide if required. If needed, we take care of the dismantling, return and management of the recycling process.
The Rhenus Midi Data partners know their way around in the sensitive market for clinical products, in the health care system and in the growing market for home care products. The relevant product knowledge is supplemented by applicable certifications, which meet local provisions and requirements.
Rhenus Logistics SRL
Rhenus Logistics SRL
50-52 I.C. Brătianu Blvd.
Business Center Office Building A
7th floor, Offices 709-713
110121 Pitesti (AG)
Tel.: +40 248 219991
Fax: +40 248 211471
E-mail: Contact us