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Rhenus Midi Data is a full-service partner in the area of self-service and vending machines. In the commercial realm in particular, we are professionals. Whether it be return machines for deposite bottles, cash systems or baking machines, or even digital signage: Rhenus Midi Data will schedule, deliver, install and – if needed – brief the sales staff on your products, in supermarkets or even in petrol stations and train stations. Rhenus Midi Data is your competent partner, even after the sale! With the growing demand for information, which is made available locally and must be configured and retrievable on-demand for local applications, the market for kiosk systems is growing by leaps and bounds. Rhenus Midi Data implements universal end-to-end solutions, including transport, installation and configuration of vending machines, kiosk systems, photo printers and ticket machines. Wherever a socket and network connection can be found, Rhenus Midi Data will take care of the ready-to-operate installation and delivery of your systems.
Rhenus Logistics SRL
Rhenus Logistics SRL
50-52 I.C. Brătianu Blvd.
Business Center Office Building A
7th floor, Offices 709-713
110121 Pitesti (AG)
Tel.: +40 248 219991
Fax: +40 248 211471
E-mail: Contact us