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European market leaders trust in Rhenus Midi Data. Rhenus Midi Data assists leading European companies in the development of their supply chains. Through close and trusting collaboration, we jointly develop logistics solutions that ensure the corporate success of our customers over the long term.
We use special loading aids, some of which are patented, for our various transport and installation services. This keeps packing costs down and ensures damage-free transportation. These initiatives help ensure that the transport route is both sustainable and environmentally friendly.
We use our own vehicle fleet for transport in the majority of cases. The Rhenus Midi Data driving staff is comprised of proven installation experts, and therefore often trained professionals in electrics and mechanics. We also have additional teams of technicians who are in charge of the comprehensive installation and wiring of system components, and who at the same time have acquired professional knowledge through product training to subsequently train users directly at the installation site.
Rhenus Logistics SRL
Rhenus Logistics SRL
50-52 I.C. Brătianu Blvd.
Business Center Office Building A
7th floor, Offices 709-713
110121 Pitesti (AG)
Tel.: +40 248 219991
Fax: +40 248 211471
E-mail: Contact us