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Rhenus Logistics Romania - Imprint

Imprint of Rhenus SE & Co. KG

Rhenus SE & Co. KG
Rhenus-Platz 1
59439 Holzwickede

Phone: +49 (0)2301 29-0
Fax: +49 (0)2301 29-1215
Email: info@rhenus.com

Legal form: limited partnership
Court of jurisdiction: Hamm Local Court
Trade register: HRA 2448
Value-added tax ID: DE223423245
Personally liable partner: Rhenus Verwaltungs SE

Management Board Rhenus Verwaltungs SE:
Tobias Bartz (Chairman of the Management Board)
Gilles Delarue
Dr. Stephan Peters
Andreas Stöckli

Court of jurisdiction: Hamm Local Court Trade register: HRB 8133

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Rhenus Logistics SRL

Rhenus Logistics SRL

50-52 I.C. Brătianu Blvd.

Business Center Office Building A

7th floor, Offices 709-713

110121 Pitesti (AG)

Tel.: +40 248 219991

Fax: +40 248 211471

E-mail: Contact us