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As part of the Rhenus Group, Rhenus Midi Data is the specialist for European technical distribution and installation services for highly sensitive and (un)-packed hightech products.
As a pioneer, Rhenus Midi Data has been significantly advancing the market for technical distribution and installation services in Europe for more than 40 years. The team of specialists at Rhenus Midi Data has been developing and implementing logistics and transport solutions since the onset of mainframe technology, always in an intensive dialogue and in close cooperation with leading companies from the high-tech sector and health care system.
We focus in particular on customised logistical transport and logistics solutions for unpacked, sensitive technical products.
Rhenus Midi Data stands for extensive, precisely planned rollouts within narrow time frames, installation services, placements as well as user training and instruction for technically sophisticated products.
Rhenus Logistics SRL
Rhenus Logistics SRL
50-52 I.C. Brătianu Blvd.
Business Center Office Building A
7th floor, Offices 709-713
110121 Pitesti (AG)
Tel.: +40 248 219991
Fax: +40 248 211471
E-mail: Contact us