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When conducting our analyses, conceptual and strategic developments and their implementation, we ensure the greatest possible customer proximity. Where feasible, we get practitioners from the customer's staff involved in our project work. Applying their experience improves efficiency and helps ensure trouble-free start-up of solutions. Combining innovations with well-engineered, proven approaches and close dialogues with our customers make up the main success factors of contract logistics solutions – made by Rhenus Midi Data.
The opportunities and the professionalism of modern logistics are continuing to develop at enormous speed – and our customers should play a role in this. Modern, sustainable and efficient. Advantages for our customers: Processing speed is increased, transparency is improved, flexibility is increased and costs are significantly reduced in some cases – all depending on where the customer puts his main emphasis.
In particular when large and/or complex challenges are to be overcome – when redesigning service structures and processes for example, when outsourcing logistics, and even with contract logistics – our systematic, consulting-based approach is very successful. But we go beyond consulting: We also implement the things we recommend. And we continuously ensure that solutions are further developed and that optimal results are achieved, despite on-going changes in environmental conditions. Our customers should take it literally when we speak of “solutions”.
Rhenus Logistics SRL
Rhenus Logistics SRL
50-52 I.C. Brătianu Blvd.
Business Center Office Building A
7th floor, Offices 709-713
110121 Pitesti (AG)
Tel.: +40 248 219991
Fax: +40 248 211471
E-mail: Contact us