Our locations

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Rhenus Logistics Romania - Technical centres

Technical Centres

Rhenus Midi Data operates technical service centres within Europe. We offer comprehensive technical services for office communications, telecommunications and banking as well as in health care and medical technology, so as to configure and equip devices with the customers in mind. These platforms are also ideal for consolidating shipments and components before delivery to ensure that the components are delivered altogether and cost-efficiently as well as on time. Our customers can access a broad range of additional services in the centres, which we define and implement together: flexible and scalable.

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Rhenus Logistics SRL

Rhenus Logistics SRL

50-52 I.C. Brătianu Blvd.

Business Center Office Building A

7th floor, Offices 709-713

110121 Pitesti (AG)

Tel.: +40 248 219991

Fax: +40 248 211471

E-mail: Contact us